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This dish was recommended to my friends and me by a new friend we made on the train to Prague. She is from the Czech Republic but also lives in Dresden.

What music did I listen to this week?:

Since I was traveling with my friends, I didn’t listen to a lot of music. I did listen to the Christmas music at the Christmas markets in Prague and the American/English pop songs that drift out over the speakers from Imbisses and bars.

What activity was the most fun this week?:

This is a really hard question. I really enjoyed seeing my friends again, that was definitely the highlight of the week. My favorite thing we did together was visiting the royal castle in Prague where we were able to walk around and explore the historical buildings. From a huge cathedral to the armory, and servants' quarters, I found the castle to be an amazing step back in time and a history nerd's dream!

What did I read this week?:

This week I read a lot of informational posters and signs from museums and memorials that I visited in Prague and Berlin. These include posters at the Prague Castle, the Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe, Germany’s capital building the Reichstag, and the Pergamon Museum of Ancient History.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

This week I played a ton of card games! I played Uno flip with some new friends I made in Rostock and normal Uno with the friend I was traveling with. I also met up with a few friends at Barneby’s Spielbar, a board game bar in Dresden’s Neustadt. I learned how to play a game called Labyrinth and we also played a game called 6 nimmt! (Take 6)— a well-loved German card game.

