Melissa’s Farewell

But nothing is quite like food here in Mexico.
  • Traditions and daily life: You've learned about Mexican holidays like Día de Muertos ("Day of the Dead") and Día de Independencia (Mexico's Independence Day in September). You've seen what daily life is like, what the weather is, and how much people here love to play futbol!
  • Spring Break Adventures: In today's farewell journal, I will share photos of my Spring Break trip. I visited friends in Zacatecas, Morelia, and Tuxpan (Michoacán). There are four or five Mexican towns called "Tuxpan;" the one I visited is in the state of Michoacán. In Mexico, spring break is always the week of Semana Santa (the week of Easter, or "Holy Week.") In fact, unlike the one-week spring break in the U.S., many Mexican schools get two weeks of spring break. Lucky them! But in the summer, Mexican schools only take one month off, unlike the long summer break in the U.S. 
  • Thank you for reading my posts and looking at my photos! And don't worry - even though this is the last journal you will see from me, this is not our final interaction. We have one more video call. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions. See you next week!
