The weather this week was more or less typical for Santiago this time of year. In the mornings, the temperature usually drops to 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is often windy. As the day goes on, it typically warms up a bit, temperatures usually moving into the low 50s. We had four days this week which were quite rainy and three which were mostly sunny. It rains at least a little bit almost every day though! En Galicia, llueve. (In Galicia, it rains).
This time of year, there is not much in the way of animals here in Galicia, aside from some birds still puttering about. I did take care of my roommate's coballas (guinea pigs) for him while he was away for a couple of days. They are funny creatures, and they more or less just scurry around in their cage, drink water and eat little bits of food. Even though we always leave the door to their cage open, they seem content to pass all of their time there with each other.