I loved traveling to Dinant because it was the first city that I visited after landing in Belgium. I went with three friends from college and we had such a great adventure eating cookies and boating.

Let's venture into Belgium! Should we visit a cathedral, tour the Palais de Justice, or tour the European Parliament at the Parlamentarium? There's so much to do, so let's get started!
I loved traveling to Dinant because it was the first city that I visited after landing in Belgium. I went with three friends from college and we had such a great adventure eating cookies and boating.
It's been such a wonderful three months with you all at the Global Learning Leader for Bronx Global Learning Institute for Girls. This is not a goodbye. It's a "see you soon!"
My name is Anna-Ophélia, but everyone calls me Ophélia. I'm a bit younger than some of you girls at the Bronx Global Learning Institute, but I'm super excited to share my story with all of you!
It's Christmastime in Brussels. This means colorful lights, magnificent decorations and a busy city center. Walking through the city, I felt as if I were in a Christmas movie. Enjoy the pictures!