Miles' Journey to Taiwan

Current Location

Tainan & Taipei

Hello! I'm Miles Iton, a graduate student studying at Taiwan's National Cheng Kung University. I'll be exploring this incredible country for the next two years, and I'm so glad you can join me!


Happy New Year! You might think I'm a few weeks too late to be celebrating, but it's actually about to be the Chinese New Year pretty soon. Our school is on break for a month, so I traveled to Taipei.


As I settle into the end of my first school semester in Taiwan, I also realize this is the end of my Reach the World journey. Sharing the experience with you all has made it that much more satisfying.

Field Notes

The Taiwanese environment is everything you'd imagine of a tropical island: warm weather, exotic fruits/plants and calm breezes. That doesn't mean I haven't run into some surprises here and there.


Taiwan has been host to some of the most interesting performances I've ever seen. From temple celebrations to street performances, here's just a sample of some of my favorites.