Traveling to places like Europe can cost a lot, so try to find programs in less "common" places; it cost me a fourth of my semester tuition to study in Costa Rica for 5 months (that's all fees, personal expenses and everything)! Asia, especially Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Indonesia, are pretty inexpensive to study or just travel to as well. If you do not want to go for classes but want a group experience, look into church/mission trips, the Peace Corps or group deals for cruises or preplanned trips!
Life tip: scholarships are out there, find them and use them for everything! Not all scholarships are limited to just college credit or fees, they can be put towards things like study abroad or food!
Billy and I are sad that our journey with y'all has come to an end, but are so glad to have been able to take part in it! Thank you for letting us share our lives (well mostly mine) with all of you, and we really hope you have enjoyed it!
Remember, there are so many adventures out there just waiting for you to find them! Do not be afraid to go searching for them!