My favorite foods are plain rice, stew and meat.
Queen: I grew up speaking English and also speak English at school. I know how to greet others in Dagbanli (Dasiba = "Good morning," Antire = "Good afternoon," Anawula = "Good evening").
Mahama: Common boy names are Abdul-haq, Wunimi and Elijah.
Queen: Common girl names are Faheema, Rashida and Amina.
Clinton: I study science, maths, English, geography, government, economics and social studies. My favorite subject is geography. I like it because it has interesting concepts.
Note: Ghanaians call math "maths."
Queen: For homework, I usually copy notes. That means I must research a topic and write something about it after class.
Mahama: I normally stay in my dorm after school. I enjoy athletics and like running long distances.
Clinton: My favorite famous person is Michael Jordan. I like basketball!