My name is Mackenzie Miller, and I am from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the state just below New York. I am so excited to travel around Taiwan with you these next few weeks. Did you know that this country is an island?
When I was in third grade, my teacher gave me a small notebook to send to one person in the United States or around the world. After that person got the notebook, they sent it to someone else. My notebook went to my cousin in Africa and people I had never even met in Europe! I loved learning about countries and cultures different from my own. After that, I knew that I wanted to travel to these places and many more. In fact, two years later, I left my home country for the first time and traveled to Africa. When I travel to new countries, I meet people who look very different from me, but who are still very kind to me and teach me about their culture. That makes me feel at home even when I am far away from the United States. Taiwan is the twelfth country I have been to. Can you guess where else I have been?
When I first arrived in Taiwan, I had to quarantine for seven days because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I could not leave my hotel room until the eighth day. During that time, I watched a lot of TV and took naps because I was tired from jet lag.