A New Version of Westward Migration

This has caused tensions within Colombia, and some people believe that the Colombian government should provide aid to the Venezuelan migrants, while others say that government resources should be focused more on internal social issues that still need attention.

Is this need being met? How?:

This need is being met in some ways, but not in other ways. The Colombian government has been noted for its considerable support in the form of food aid and emergency assistance to Venezuelan migrants, especially during times of recent newsworthy political crises in Venezuela. Furthermore, N.G.O.s and religious organizations have stepped up to provide aid and services to migrants who are in vulnerable situations. 

Still, the situation in Venezuela isn't close to being resolved, and migrants continue to cross the border into Colombia despite attempts at reducing the migrant flow. Can Colombia continue to sustain the flow of migrants at its current rate? Do aid organizations have the capacity to serve the number of Venezuelan migrants that need their services? Furthermore, will anti-Venezuelan discrimination become more severe as the number of migrants within the country increases? The future of the situation is up in the air, and Colombian perspectives on Venezuelan migration still vary widely. 

What do you think Colombia should do to address the Venezuelan migrant crisis while still attending to the needs of its own citizens? 

Medellin, Colombia
