Spring has finally come! With the exception of one rainy Saturday, the days are gradually getting warmer. It still gets cold at night, however, so I still need to wear something warm. During this period of seasonal change, the drastic changes in temperature make a lot of people sick, so you hear a lot of the phrase "건강 조심하세요 (geongang josimhaseyo)," which means "be careful of your health" or "감기 조심하세요 (gamgi josimhaseyo)," which means "be careful of catching a cold."
The first time I laid eyes on a Korean magpie (also Oriental magpie), I was entranced by its long navy blue tail and its impressive combination of blue, black and white feathers on its body. At that time, I didn't know what it was called. I thought it was an exotic bird that was visiting for the migrating season. Then I started seeing them often and realized that Korea was its home!