At the end of every homestay, we have a farewell ceremony. This was my second homestay. A collection of host sisters danced and sang. They danced to "house music," which is exactly what it sounds like! It's a funky mix of music played at parties or in the comfort of your home in South Africa. It is congregational music that unites people and encourages a good time.
The activity that was most fun this week was definitely the farewell ceremony in Tshabo. My heart was full of joy as the little sisters performed their dances and sang their songs. Everyone came together as a community to laugh and converse with one another. The community was so welcoming to us outsiders. At this moment, I realized how proud South Africans are of their culture and their language, despite the oppression they have faced and are currently facing. They are beautiful, strong people!
I read two books this week. I am reading I Write What I Like by Steve Biko (my inspiration). I am also reading Becoming by Michelle Obama (my idol!).
I did play a fun game of "peek-a-boo" with my little host sister, who is (by the way) the most adorable human being ever! She is seven years old, with spunk that is completely unmatched!
This week I visited the Tshabo Baptist Church. When my host family and I arrived, I was surprised to notice that there were no men in the church. This is one of the legacies of apartheid, when men typically fled to urban centers to find work.