There are 11 official languages in South Africa! Yes, that is right: 11! The most commonly spoken language is Zulu. English is the fourth most common. However, in the village of Tshabo, in the Eastern Cape, isiXhosa is the main language spoken. In this language, there are several click sounds that I have tried (but failed) to master. The clicks are the equivalent to letters in the English language. It is important to note that isiXhosa is spoken in both the Eastern and Western Cape. However, the type of isiXhosa spoken is quite different in the two places.
The currency of South Africa is the rand! One of our U.S. dollars is worth about 14 South African rand.
The price of a bottle of water can cost anywhere from 11 to 30 rand. So, do the math. How many U.S. dollars is that? In addition, water bottles are typically much larger than our bottles in the U.S.
Wow, this is a tough question. My host family in Tshabo fed me so much amazing food. My favorite was when my Mama Nomthunzi made "fat cakes" for my host sister and me. These are sort of like honeybuns, except there is no glaze and they are not sweet.