Getting Ready for Carnival

I was surprised to learn that an important part of Carnival is people dressing up as scary monsters like witches and goblins. The people in the parade try to scare the audience, but only in a friendly way! I even had one of the monsters come up to me and paint a purple mark on my cheek! 

In Germany, Carnival begins on November 11th at 11:11 AM. Do you know anything else special about this date? 

November 11th is also Veteran's Day, which is called Armistice Day in many European countries. This day celebrates and honors people who have served in the military.

Why does the community have this tradition?:

In the region of Germany where I live, many people follow the Catholic religion. Carnival has been a tradition here for many, many years. Although there are many people here that follow different religions too, I think everyone likes to watch the parades and festivities that go along with Carnival.

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

Carnival brings people together from nearby towns. There are bands and performers from neighboring cities that everyone gathers to watch. The costumes may also be connected to folklore stories like fairytales from Germany, but Carnival is more connected to the people who live here than the environment.

Ludwigshafen, Germany
