Carnival is a big festival celebration that occurs in several countries in Europe. In Germany, it is a time of fireworks, parades, costumes and cheer! My teacher sent me a newspaper article announcing a Carnival celebration in downtown Ludwigshafen. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew I didn't want to miss out!
When I arrived the street was already lined with people of all ages. They were carrying balloons and glow sticks. It was dark and I wasn't sure what to do. Then horns and drums started to play and bands dressed in colorful and magical costumes began to march down the street. There were all kinds of people in the parade! Kids, parents with strollers and people on scooters, everybody was covered in glitter or feathers or lights or furry costumes.
Carnival, known as der Fasching in German, is associated with regions that mostly follow the Catholic religion. Carnival was originally celebrated before the season of Lent, another Catholic tradition. Lent is a period of 40 days when Catholic people are supposed to pray and give up certain things that they like to do, like eating chocolate or watching television. Carnival is a time for people to celebrate, have fun and eat whatever they want before the season of Lent begins.