This journey had a lot of firsts for me. My first time going to the Czech Republic. My first time trying cross-country skiing. My first time eating fruit dumplings. I am so glad that I had you to talk to about all of these experiences! Sometimes going somewhere new or trying something new can be scary. In the end, though, going out and tackling those first steps can make the best memories. I will never forget my time in the Czech Republic, even 10 or 20 years from now. It will be with me for life.
I have learned so much from the people in the Czech Republic, too! There are so many different ways to live life. So many different languages to speak, foods to eat, clothes to wear and ideas to share. Traveling and exploring what life is like around the world has helped me look at my life at home in the United States in a new light. I will miss mushroom hunting and cooking dinners with my friend Martina. I will miss Czech folk music and the colorful costumes the dancers wear. And I will miss the Czech people's love of sports, even when winter snow is at their doorsteps. Maybe when I am home in America, I will try to bring a little bit of the Czech Republic back with me!
I still have a little more time to enjoy these things in the Czech Republic. I return home at the end of June.