Hello! My name is Nina. I'm 24 years old and was born and raised in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. I did make a short detour to Hyderabad, India from 5th through 8th grade to live with my grandparents and experience the culture, but Atlanta is home!
I'm a medical student at Boston University in Boston, MA and I'm interested in pediatrics. Right now, I'm taking a year off from medical school to complete a Fulbright research grant in India. I'm thrilled to be back in India where I have so many good memories as a child; now I have a chance to create more memories! I will be studying mental health in kids at an orphanage until May. They're very sweet, and I hope you'll get to meet them virtually through our exchange.
I'm excited to share my adventures with you and get to know you over the next few weeks! Let's go!