Pho can be found on nearly every street corner in Vietnam. The locals enjoy slurping fresh rice noodles in a flavorful broth at all times of day. My experience with pho was love at first bite, and I continue to enjoy this special Vietnamese food on a regular basis.
The best food I've eaten in Vietnam so far has been pho, which is a delicious noodle soup consisting of broth, rice noodles, herbs and meat (typically beef).
Eating pho brightens my day. Every bite makes me feel warm inside. The steamy broth and warm rice noodles are perfect for a rainy day (and it rains a lot in Vietnam). Although pho is served for every meal of the day, I prefer pho for dinner. Sometimes it is too hot outside to enjoy pho during the middle of the day. Combining the heat, humidity and a warm bowl of pho makes me sweat more than I would like to during a meal. However, I really enjoy eating pho at night when the weather is a bit cooler.