In Budapest, the trash collection system is different. It appears to be a much smaller scale than that in the United States, which is purely due to the size differenes of the two countries. It is interesting to observe something such as trash services because it is dealt with differently everywhere around the world. Some places are more efficient about picking up trash, where others are more environmentally friendly with their trash. I have noticed that in Budapest, the services are more efficient and try to make the city to look clean.
I learned about trash services in Budapest this week. Before class one day, I walked around near my dorm and was able to see some city workers picking up trash in the streets and sidewalks. I noticed a difference right away; in the United States, there are streetsweepers that come once or twice a month to clean up the trash,while in Budapest, there are city workers hand-picking up the trash. I believe this is because Budapest is a much more compact city than those in the United States. It would be much more difficult here to have a street sweeper be able to move through some of the narrow side streets.
It is common in Hungary to recycle, but composting is done at a much lower rate. Outside of my dorm, along with trash bins, there is a large section of recycling.