

Food is a huge part of the Spanish culture. There are some foods that are common among all parts of Spain, and there are also foods that vary depending on the location in Spain. As in the U.S., you can find most foods in each state, but there are some areas that are known for specific things (New York pizza, Southern fried chicken, etc.). I am going to talk about the food that I have tried in Asturias and some of the interesting aspects of cuisine that I have learned about since moving to Asturias. 

What food did I try?:

I have tried a lot of new foods since moving to Spain in September. I live in the north of Spain, which is well known for its cuisine. Asturias has some famous foods that you can only find here. Here are a few of them: cachopo (KA-CHO-PO), fabada (FA-BA-DA), and carbayones (CAR-BA-YO-NES). Cachopo is basically a thin piece of steak that is stuffed with cheese, deep-fried, and served with French fries. You usually share it with a group of people. 

Fabada is kind of like a soup. It is a plain red broth that is filled with beans (called fabadas in Spanish) and you add different types of meat to the soup. Typically, people add chorizo and morcilla to the soup. Chorizo is a red sausage that is a bit spicy. Morcilla is a black sausage.
