Getting to know the traditions of the place where you're living is really important. That way you have a full experience and understanding of its people and culture. My involvement in some of France’s traditions has been one of the best things I have done so far. For example, I spent a whole night awake in Paris, from 8:00 AM to 8:00 AM the following day, celebrating the annual White Night. During this night, museums in Paris were open and free. The Eiffel Tower had a special light show at 12:00 AM and people from all over France were walking its streets. But even though staying awake for 24 hours was a lot of fun, the best traditions I've taken part in so far has been La Course Colorée, the Color Run.
The Color Run is a race organized by the city Châlons-en-Champagne, which lies about a 30-minute driving distance from Reims, my home city. The Color Run consisted of a five-kilometer run across the streets of Châlons-en-Champagne. Students from the neighboring cities, like myself, and people who wanted to have a good time participated in the race. What gives this race its name is the colored powder that is thrown at the participants of the race. I had a lot of fun running with my friends through the beautiful city streets and laughing at everyone’s colored faces!