Living in Europe has made me realize with increasing clarity how an environment shapes the lifestyle of its inhabitants. From centuries old cities surrounded by water, where even the main mode of transportation is by boat, to small towns where most houses are less than 100 years old because of war destruction, Europe can be very diverse.
Reims, the city where I live, is an old city. In fact, it is in this city where almost all the French kings came to be coronated. What makes the environment of Reims so special is its physical location and climate, which are great for growning grapes.
Reims has been located historically close to many borders between kingdoms, which are now nations. It is the city's central location that makes it an ideal place for cultural and physical mixing of peoples. Unfortunately, its location also makes Reims a contested place in times of conflict. During World War II, Reims was bombarded by the Germans for four consecutive years, destroying most buildings and monuments within the city.