For the most part, the only nature found in Salamanca is in the local parks. However, you can find cypress trees around the entire city! It is commonly known as the "death tree" because, since ancient times, it was often planted near cemeteries. This tradition began because the tree has a wonderful scent that brings freshness to cemeteries.
This tree looks similar to pine trees in North America, because it has needles instead of leaves. This specific type of pine is normally tall and narrow. The base of the tree is wider than the top. Like North American pine trees, cypress trees are part of a family of trees called conifers, meaning they reproduce with pine cones instead of seeds, nuts or fruit.
When I first saw cypress trees, I really knew I was in Europe! Many famous photos and paintings of Italy and France, like Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh, show cypress trees. It was especially interesting for me to see them in Spain because I did not know they grew here too.