Greetings from chilly Dresden! I can't believe it's already time to say goodbye. Thank you so much for joining me on my journey to Germany. I have really enjoyed having the opportunity to share with you the many new experiences I've had here. Your questions and curiosity helped me learn many new things about Germany, and I hope that I also helped you learn more about this fascinating country.
Before I say goodbye, I'd like to leave you with some words of encouragement and advice. I truly hope that each of you has a chance some day to travel abroad. I know how curious you are about the world around you, so I encourage you to seek out opportunities to travel. Traveling or living in a foreign country can be challenging, but I think the benefits of traveling definitely outweigh the downsides. I've found that I've grown more confident and matured a lot from navigating challenges here in Germany. Are you interested in working in the tourism industry someday? Traveling, studying abroad or even doing an international internship are perfect ways to learn more about the tourism industry first-hand.
If you are planning on going to college, I would recommend studying abroad for a semester.