Jamón iberico, or Iberian ham, can be found in almost every café, bar or restaurant in Spain. It is dried ham that is the leg of the pig. It is common for ham legs to hang from the ceiling. There are several different types of Spanish ham. The most expensive and highest quality is called jamón iberico de bellota. This is special because the pigs are fed only acorns and it makes the ham taste extra good!
When I first arrived in Spain, I tried jamón iberico, or iberian ham, which is a typical type of cured Spanish ham. It comes from the pigs that live in Spain. We cannot find Iberian ham in the United States because it is specific to Spain. When it is served, it is usually as a tapa. Tapas are small portions of food, similar to appetizers. They are very common in the south of Spain and are often shared among several people. The North, where Logroño is located, is known for pinchos, which are small portions of food served on a slice of bread. They are individual portions and you usually eat one pincho per person. The Iberian ham is usually in many of the tapas and pinchos. It is so good!