Mr. Ali is a religion studies teacher, or Agama, teacher. Along with tending his farm right outside his home, he loves playing basketball, eating Durian, and picking fruit in the garden at MAN2.
"My name is Aliswar Refzan."
"I live in Bukittinggi, the Agam district. The Agam district is a small county not too far from MAN2. I have a yellow house that has green tiles. I painted the outside myself. My family's house was actually my mother in-law's house, which was then passed down to her daughter. The Minang are what some call "matrilinial", which means the lineage follows the woman's mother. My eldest daughter will eventually inherit this house herself!"
"I have two daughters, a boy and my wife. I am very happy with them, and we make sure to have quality time together at parks in and around Bukittinggi."
"Sometimes we get around on foot, sometimes on motorcycle, and other times on bicycle, as it helps me keep healthy lungs. I will walk if it's not too far to get there. How I get around usually depends on how far away the destination is."