One of my favorite parts of traveling to different countries is trying new foods. Food is the one thing that no matter where you go brings smiles to everyone around you. This week, I learned how to make lovo. Lovo is the name of food cooked underground using really hot rocks. Usually, lovo is prepared during special occasions like weddings, birthdays or this month for Christmas!!!
I got to try rourou which is this salty and sweet stew made of taro leaves cooked in coconut milk. The taro leaves are cooked so long in the coconut milk that they melt in your mouth while you chew. Sadly, I didn't get to try the meat, but I will soon and I will tell you what it tastes like!
I feel very honored every time I get to try new food here in Fiji. Every bite I take is a piece of history. I learn about which vegetables and fruits are most important to Fijians. For example, it is beautiful to see how all of the taro plant is used to make delicious meals. The taro root can be boiled and eaten with meat, while the leaves can be made into the stew, rourou.