Food of Malawi


Hi, everyone! I have been in Malawi officially for a month this week and have had lots of time to eat around the town. Most of our meals at the house where I am living are made by an amazing chef named Naomi. We wouldn't survive without her! She makes traditional and western inspired meals, and the menu ranges from goat curry to spagetti and meatballs.

This week I will talk about one of the staple meals here in Malawi, nsima. Every day single day, you can see Malawians eating this food, which can be paired with vegetables or meat, or eaten by itself.  Nsima is eaten for any meal. It is made from ufa (cornflower), and it is incrediblly filling!  We have some very nice guards inside the complex where I live, and sometimes I hear one of them say, "Kalibu nsima" (Come eat nsima with us). 

What food did I try?:

This week I tried nsima with beef and greens. We have a local resturant close to where I live, and sometimes I go out for lunch and eat with my friends from work. The resturant has a large buffet style selection where you can get plenty of different types of meat and vegetables. 

How did I feel when I tried it?:

I was a little bit nervous, since I can be very particular about my food.
