My flight home leaves in less than two days, which is so hard to believe and comes with so many mixed emotions. One one hand, I'm super sad to be leaving the friends I've made here. On the other hand, I can't wait to see all of my friends and family at home... and meet all of you! I've been writing a lot of reflections for my classes about how I've grown and what I've learned over the course of the semester, so I want to treat my final article to you all as a similar reflection.
What's the biggest thing you've learned?
In terms of skills, the biggest skill I've learned this semester was learning how to cook! In general, though, my biggest takeaway is that you are capable of much more than you think. If you had asked me when I was your age if I thought I could survive a semester on my own in the U.K., starting out with no friends, an ocean away from my family, I would've said no. But now I've learned that I can travel by myself, I can adapt to new places and I can make friends anywhere I go. You are stronger and braver than you think, and sometimes the best way to learn that is by jumping into scary things head first. You'll see how you thrive!
What was the best thing about studying abroad? What was hard?