Are There Only Scientists Onboard?

74 degrees N, 60 degrees W
Journal Entry:

During this scientific expedition, we get a close-up view of the scientist's work onboard the floating laboratory of the JOIDES Resolution. Perhaps you already know there are many more jobs onboard that help the ship operate, including keeping us fed! Let's continue learning more about Albert and his important role on the ship.

Step into the JOIDES Resolution's galley during the tranquil predawn hours and let the scents of cinnamon and vanilla pull you in. They let you know that Manila native Albert Botabara, the JOIDES Resolutions baker extraordinaire, is on the job!

At 3 a.m.  Albert is a flurry of activity, spooning cookie dough dollops onto baking trays and brushing coats of butter on croissants. For the crew members, these will be a treat. For Albert, this is simply another day of work on this two-month expedition, off the coast of Northwest Greenland.

"I love cookies more than cakes," Albert says. "My favorites to bake are chocolate and cinnamon with oatmeal." 

Right on cue, the timer chimes, a signal that Albert answers with oven mitts in place. He pulls out a tray of oatmeal raisin cookies, then pivots to a second oven where he pops in the croissants and removes a tray of flour-dusted, golden-brown Filipino rolls.
