The main language spoken here is English, but London is an international city-there are people from all over the world here. During the week, I hear people speaking French, German, Italian and Norwegian. I even heard people speaking Welsh just last week!
The United Kingdom uses the pound which is funny because one pound is actually pretty light (that was a pound pun!).
A bottle of water costs about one pound which is equivalent to about $1.30 in U.S. dollars. And no, a bottle of water does not weigh one pound (another pound pun (that makes two puns about pounds)!).
Oo...my friend from Norway makes this dish with sweet potatoes, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries and chickpeas, with honey, soy sauce, salt and pepper. I tried it and it immediately became my go-to food this entire week. Yum!
Have any of you heard of Jacob Collier? He's a British singer, pianist, guitarist, drummer, mandolin-ist...the list goes on. He's such a great musician! I bought a ticket to see him in April, and I'm beyond excited.