I got four flavors: menta granizada (mint chocolate chip), frutilla a la reina (strawberries and cream), dulce de leche granizada (caramel chocolate chip) and sambayón (the flavor of an Italian dessert made with egg yolk, sugar and sweet wine). My favorite is the mint chocolate chip!
When I'm reading and writing, listening to music without words really helps me concentrate. This week I listened to the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoneix movie soundtrack and the Cirque du Soleil soundtrack Alegría. For fun, I listened to the soundtrack from RENT.
I did a Zoom dance party with some of my cousins. We played an Instagram live dance party on our phones and called each other on Zoom on our laptops. It was a really fun way to stay connected and share lots of positive energy with each other.
The house where I am staying has lots and lots of books. Since I can't go outside and meet new people to practice my Spanish, I have been trying to read books in Spanish. This week, I started Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone). Harry Potter was one of my favorite books growing up, so I can't wait to see how reading the Spanish version changes my understanding.