Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

Spanish is the main language spoken in Ecuador. However, lots of people also speak Kichwa, which is an indigenous language. 

What type of money is used here?:

Ecuador uses the U.S. dollar. 

How much does a bottle of water cost?:


What was the best meal this week?:

I went to a restaurant known for their cerdo (pork) and got a plate that had a little bit of everything. There were two types of pork cooked in different ways. One of them had maiz tostado (toasted corn) mixed in to add some crunch. Everything was served over moteMote is a word used to describe any boiled grain or legume, but in Ecuador it usually refers to corn. The corn is dried and then boiled and has a texture a little like potatoes. It's very filling. I ate my mix of mote and cerdo with aguacate (avocado) and jugo de maracuya (passionfruit juice). 

What music did I listen to this week?:

I'm in a class that's about Latin American Diversity and the past two weeks we've been talking about Brasil. So, this week I listened to a lot of Brasilian music. My favorite artist I've found so far is named Tim Bernardes. 
