Our News

Other news from this week:

As you might imagine, the norm in Malawi is to take cold showers. I honestly can't remember the last time I took a hot shower. It has been at least 4-5 months. Though I will say, surprisingly, the cold showers have started to grow on me over time. Especially with the hot weather and lack of air conditioning, the cold showers are so refreshing. I distinctly remember several times back in November when it was right in the middle of summer and when the temperatures were at the year's highest, just being so excited to get home and take a cold shower so I could remember what the feeling of being cold is like. Let me tell you, it was SO nice to feel cold again. I mean to put this in perspective, most nights while being here I haven't even slept with a blanket or any sheet at all because it gets so hot in my room -- especially when the power goes out and so my fan stops working, which happens often.
