This time one of my new friends from Nigeria took hold of the aux cord and started playing Nigerian music, which featured rap verses in French and beats like those in any hip-hop song. It was fun to listen to!
The most fun that I had was climbing to see the falls. It was both relaxing to be out in nature, away from the city, sweating freely and enjoying the view as you climbed up. But at the same time, it was intense work, a complete body workout, where my body was put to the test. Some of my friends came back with bruises, cuts and scrapes. I survived with only purple bruises on my legs. Still the sight was worth the two bruises on my legs!
This week, I focused more on school work so my reading was kept to only required reading material. As much as I wanted to enjoy the material I was told to read, it is not as enjoyable as picking up my favorite novel and reading that.
I did not play any games or sports this week.
I found out that a railroad we happened to see was built by American troops. I read the monument plaque and learned something new this week about the history of the Thai-Burma bridge.