Our News

What activity was the most fun this week?:

I had the most fun going to dinner with my friends this week. We drove into the city of Nakhon Si Thammarat to try a new restaurant, and we had so much fun sharing a delicious meal!

What did I read this week?:

I have been reading books on my Kindle this week. Having a Kindle has been a great way for me to keep doing one of my favorite hobbies! The book I am reading right now is called The Great Alone by Kristin Hanna. It is about a family that moves to Alaska and learns to face new challenges, or things that are hard to do.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

This week, I went to exercise classes at my gym. I did Zumba (a dance class), a strength class and a yoga class. I love going to the classes because I get to try lots of different exercises and sports!

Other news from this week:

The past two weeks have been filled with celebration. Last Saturday, we celebrated Children's Day in Thailand. At school on Friday, our students participated in gift raffles and performed dances. Then, on Thursday this week, we also celebrated Teachers' Day in Thailand. On this holiday, schools are closed for the day, and many schools hold special ceremonies to honor their teachers. 
