Lima is a city on the coast of the Pacific Ocean with many parks across the city. People have been able to include activites on the beach into their daily life. For example, during the summer when it gets too hot, people are all day at the beach with their families. They go swimming or surfing; some even go paragliding. Many have beach houses that they go to for the summer and just spend their off days there. In another part of the city, people have built houses on hills where there is space to build. You can see mountains from there.
Lima has a special environment because it is right next to the Pacific Ocean. The breeze from the Pacific helps Lima be the perfect city in which to walk every day. There are resturants alongside the beach that make for a great place to look at the sunset and to go for a swim whenever people want. This environment helps different plants grow in the city, and some of these can even be used to heal a wound.
The Pacific Ocean has helped the city of Lima to grow. Callao, for example, is the main port where different ships and boats arrive from all over the world. It is also the home of the airport where local people and tourists can interact with one another.