The food prepared in the Yucatán is often a unique mezcla (mix) of all of the cultures that has existed in its history. One dish in particular is truly connected to the local environment, and more specifically, the tierra (land). "Pib" is a very special chicken dish that is only prepared around October/beginning of November in almost every home in the Yucatán. It is prepared for Hanal Pixán (the Yucatecán version of Dia de Los Muertos--Day of the Dead). It’s an essential altar element for the dead that is made through a very traditional cooking method of a hand-dug pit in the ground that is filled with stones and wood at the bottom. As soon as those stones and wood are piping hot they start cooking the pib that is covered with banana leaves and earth. After about two hours the family then unburies the pib – and perfectly cooked – it is placed on the altar as a deep sign of love and respect for family who have passed away. Only after the prayers and when the deceased have enjoyed its essence and aroma, the living family can eat it. Because of the way it is made, pib is markedly unique and absolutely delicious!