Dutch is the main language spoken in the Netherlands although most people speak English very well too. It's also common to speak German since this language is very similar to Dutch. People in the Netherlands learn up to four languages in high school. I always wish that I had learned more languages as a child, especially when I see how many opportunities Dutch people have from being able to talk to so many people in so many languages! Being here is inspiring, though, and makes me realize it truly is never too late to take up learning a new language!
The Netherlands uses the euro, which is worth a tiny bit more than the U.S. dollar. The great thing about the euro is that almost every country in Europe uses it, so I'm able to travel to many different countries without worrying about exchanging money!
A bottle of water costs about two euros in a convenience shop, although it can be cheaper at a grocery store.
This week was "Restuarant Week" in the Netherlands, which meant that you could go to a fancy restaurant for a discounted price. I usually try to cook at home to save money, but I went to a very nice restaurant and had an awesome meal for much less than it would usually cost!