Osos Perezosos

How does it use its environment to survive?:

The sloth uses its environment significantly to survive. They typically live high up in trees. They use their long claws to hang from the branches with a strong grasp. This allows them to change their position comfortably. This is why if you spot a sloth they can even be sleeping upside down because their body has adapted to be able to be in whatever position they would like. They can stay attached to these branches high up in the trees while eating, moving and even sleeping. Their hairy appearance makes them blend perfectly into the tree, which helps them avoid predators.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Before coming to Costa Rica I thought it was common for people to take photos with sloths lying on their chest. Instead, actually touching sloths here is prohibited. People won't even get within five feet of these creatures. Sloths are not meant to be something used for photos on Instagram but rather respected with their space.

In Costa Rica, I would not say that humans pose a huge threat to these creatures in comparison to other countries but this message of boundaries between animals and humans is something I feel like should be promoted a lot more. 

I know that sloths face many challenges regarding deforestation. When people cut down the trees where these sloths live it is difficult for them to relocate, as they become vulnerable to predators. I've also heard people talk about how sloths face many challenges with powerlines and becoming electrocuted which can severely injure or kill these animals.  
