Travel News

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

I went to a supermarket in the town next to my village called Nyamata. They had applesauce, which was exciting! Really, though, going to the basketball match in my friend's village was probably the most interesting visit. 

Other Travel News from this week:

Because the second term is ending, this week (March 25 - 29) will be student travel week. All students who attend boarding schools (technical schools, some secondary schools, and TTCs are boarding schools) will travel home for the holiday. My school is a TTC, so my students will travel home on Thursday, March 28th. Each district in the country is assigned a day for their students to travel home. This prevents all the students in the country from traveling on one specific day. All schools in Bugesera District (where I live) will release their students on Thursday, March 28th. Everyone who lives in Rwanda knows that it is extremely difficult to get buses during student travel week because of all the students trying to get home. All public transportation workers are required to give priority to students who are traveling. Students wear their uniforms on student travel days so everyone knows to whom they should first give seats on the bus.

Time Zone: UTC Universal Coordinated Time 0
Local Time: Mar 24, 2024 6:00am
