Throughout the course of this semester, I have learned so much more about Thai culture! I hope that I have provided each of you with additional information that you may have not known before. Having the opportunity to help educate a class while I myself was learning new things has been truly amazing. After experiencing this semester abroad, I want to encourage each and every one of you all to explore the world and learn from foreign cultures. Growing up in America, it can be easy to have the idea that American culture is the best, but in all actuality, all cultures are unique and have characteristics that are special to certain groups and regions of the world that we can learn from. I encourage you all to put yourselves in uncomfortable positions, because that is where growth and development truly comes from. Go out and try new things, meet new people and truly experience the world. You can do this while living abroad, but you can also get started in your own neighborhood!
Thank you all once again for allowing me to take you all throughout my journey in Thailand. From visiting a hill-tribe village to exploring waterfalls to trying special new foods to making new friends, this has been an incredible experience to share with you!