In addition to the amazing geography of the Tatacoa Desert, its atmospheric conditions are fantastic for astronomy. Because of the Tatacoa Desert's unique geographical location, you can visit the observatory and see many of the constellations from both hemispheres! Furthermore, Tatacoa has little pollution or noise, attracting tourists who stay there to enjoy the silence, scenery and tranquility. Though there aren't many Colombian natives who choose to live in the Tatacoa, those who do benefit from the money that tourists spend in the area. Since the Tatacoita Desert isn't as popular, tourism to the area is still very low. In fact, when my friend Will and I visited, there wasn't anyone there to show us into the desert! Those who choose to live near the Tatcoita enjoy clear skies, quiet, and peace, that can't be found in busy cities like Bogotá.
The obstacles that people face who choose to live in or near these deserts are challenging. Many of the hardships are similar to those of the Wayuu in La Guajira, though they are not as severe. For example, there is less regular rainfall in the Tatacoa and Tatacoita Deserts, which leaves the people in those areas with less access to water. However, since those people live near cities and are more financially stable from tourism, there is more stability in their livelihoods.
The desert wildlife also creates an obstacle for desert habitats. Desert dwellers include turtles, rodents, snakes, spiders, scorpions, eagles, turkey vultures, alligators and wildcats. No, I didn't see any of these animals when we visited the deserts, though someone in my campsite saw a scorpion as we were all heading to bed!