It has been such a pleasure being able to share my experiences in Ecuador with a group of intelligent and sweet kiddos! This opportunity has given me the chance to reflect on what it took to get me to this position and how I could make the most of my time here for my students and you all! I believe this experience has made me a better teacher and I will carry this experience with me to graduate school and beyond.
I hope each of you dream big and set no limitations to your desires! If you want to be an Olympic gymnast with pink hair, go for it! Make sure to keep your dreams in mind and set goals to get you there. Take gymnastic classes at your local YMCA, compete and make other gymnastic friends. No matter your situation, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. The key to your success is hard work and dedication!
Thanks for following me on this journey. Until next time, kids!
Sending big hugs your way!