Día de Los Muertos en México


Mexico is rich with culture and has many deeply-rooted traditions. Throughout my time here, I have experienced many of these traditions including celebrations for Mexican Independence, the Mexican Revolution and Christmas. By learning from my students at the university, along with my friends and their families, I have been able to feel more connected to the Mexican culture and learn about it on a more personal level. 

What tradition did I learn about?:

I learned about Día de Los Muertos! It is a traditional holiday that is celebrated between November 1 and November 2 here in Mexico. In the Yucatan Peninsula, where Mayan culture continues to be present and have major impacts, Día de Los Muertos is called Hanal Pixan. To celebrate this tradition, I traveled to Xcaret, a park near Playa del Carmen that is known for its celebrations for Día de Los Muertos. There, I ate traditional foods like cochinita and pib (a type of tamal only made for this time of year), saw traditional decorations in cemeteries and saw parades and celebrations throughout the night.

Why does the community have this tradition?:

This is one of Mexico's most important traditions. It is a major holiday to celebrate the lives of family members that have passed on.
