Usually, the colors of decorations and the clothing people wear for this particular time of Semana Santa are dark colors, mostly black. This color choice represents the dark feeling people felt the day Jesus died. Then, on Easter Sunday decorations and clothing overflow with bright colors to represent the happiness of Jesus’ resurrection.
The main purpose of these traditions is a celebration of religion. Dia de la Cruz and Semana Santa give a lot of Spanish citizens the opportunity to remember their heritage and to honor Jesus Christ, the center of their Catholic faith. These religious festivals takes place in the middle of the community, and they are also a way for people to spread the community atmosphere of being sociable with neighbors and spending time with family.
The majority of Spain's citizens align with Catholicism, and Dia de la Cruz and Santa Semana are a part of this tradition. The province of Andalusia where Granada is located has always been known to have the most extravagant celebrations in the country!