This part of town made me feel closer to home because of its natural beauty. I also spent less time on public transportation, challenging myself to walk more throughout Paris and even walk to destinations with no map in hand (getting lost is part of the fun!). Through all of these activities, I was able to get into a more positive headspace about living in Paris. I also made sure to do my homework outside of my dorm. Toward the busier parts of the semester, it started to feel like the only places I saw in Paris were the classroom or my bedroom. Through studying at cafes near campus after class or in the middle of my days I was able to explore new areas and feel more immersed in the day-to-day of the city. While living in Paris is not always easy, it was by pushing myself out of my comfort zone that I was able to find the good in the city, even during hard times. This will be my biggest takeaway from being abroad this past semester: the opportunity is truly what you make of it. As I return to the U.S., I am turning my focus to planning my junior year summer and preparing for my senior year of college. The importance of school and my work experience is weighing on me, but like I shared with you all yesterday I am putting my trust into my passions, as I know this is how I will end up where I am supposed to be! My passions led me to Paris and led me to work with your class—I am excited to see where they lead me next!
Au Revoir! ("Goodbye"!)