The Working World: The U.S. vs. Mexico

When I go into the office, I spend the first ten minutes of my day greeting every coworker by giving them a cheek kiss and making small talk. We also eat lunch together every day as a team, at 2:00 p.m., later than I'm used to! It's not uncommon for your co-workers to ask personal questions and want to be your friend.

Another difference is the concept of time. At my old job, if I was five minutes early to a meeting, I was on time! In Mexico, it's very common for people to arrive late to meetings or for meetings to run long. The word ahorita, which can mean "right now", "in a minute", or "in a while", is frequently, and sometimes confusingly, used to answer the question "when?"  

What do you think?  Are there more differences or similarities between these two work cultures?
