Carambola, Mamón Chino, y Cas - Oh My!

People in my community who have fruit trees on their property sometimes bring fruits to share, and sometimes they ask me what the name of the fruit is in English. Sometimes I have to tell them that we don't have a word for a particular fruit in English because we don't have it in the United States!

How is the food prepared?:

Ticos enjoy fruit fresh off the tree as a snack, in smoothies or juices (called frescos) or as dessert! What is your favorite way to enjoy fruit?

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Because Costa Rica has so many different climates, varying weather and altitudes (different distances above sea level), lots of different fruits and vegetables grow well here! There are fruits that I recognize like bananas, pineapple, mango and watermelon, but plenty of fruits here that don't look familiar.

Fresh fruit is pretty easy to find, especially in my community, because we have so much nature and so many fruit trees! Many people in my community who have fruit trees on their properties even sell the extras at farmers' markets in nearby towns or in San Jose, the capital, so it can also be a source of income for people in my town.

San Juan de Peñas Blancas, Costa Rica
Location Data:
POINT (-85.6127329 11.211153)
