Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Sloths in Costa Rica


Although Costa Rica is only the size of West Virginia, it is home to nearly 6% of the world's biodiversity or the different types of living things on Earth. One of the most loveable of these creatures is the sloth. Two of the six sloth species, or different types of sloths, in the world can be found in Costa Rica. Let's learn more! 

What does this creature or plant look like?:

Most sloths are the size of small dogs. They kind of look like monkeys with rough, brown fur, and long limbs that are perfectly shaped for hanging off trees. Some species have two toes while others have three toes, but they all share round heads, small ears and short tails.

How did I feel when I saw it?:

I've been lucky enough to see sloths a few times - while on vacation in different parts of Costa Rica and in my own community! I even got to see one sloth holding her baby. I usually have a very hard time spotting them because they're so good at camouflaging, or blending into their environment. Their brown fur makes them hard to see high in the trees. Every time I've seen one, I've been so excited! They always look so relaxed, and they're usually just hanging out.
