Fat's German Life


Fat (pronounced Fahd) is 17 years old and lives in Landau, Germany. He is currently attending his last year of school before he goes off to college. He lives the average life of a German. However, his parent are from Albania and he is very proud to be Albanian as well. Fat is very kind to everyone that he meets and very lovable. He was the first student that came up to me when I started teaching here and he made me feel so welcome. 

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?:

For breakfast, Fat likes to eat avocado toast. Germans like to eat healthy and small dishes for breakfast. For lunch, he will usually eat pizza. Pizza in Germany is different. The crust is much thinner. Fat's parents are from Albania, so he usually eats Albanian food for dinner. He also loves eating Gulasch. 

What is your house like?:

He lives in a mid-sized apartment in the city. It has 4 bedrooms and one bathroom. He also has a nice sized kitchen.

What chores do you have at home?:

Fat cooks, cleans, does laundry, and takes care of his little sister, Patricia. She is very young and looks up to him.

What jobs do your parents have?:

His mom stays at home to take care of his siblings and his dad owns his own company. 
